Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A new interview

Yesterday I had a delightful interview on local radio station WTPL with Ela “The Pearl” Monroe. (That's her radio name.) She has visited 200 libraries in the state, on track to seeing them all, and she was put onto my trail by a friend who has similar interests in every schoolhouse in the state. We’re a pretty tight little group!

We finally crossed paths at a New Hampshire Humanities event a couple of weeks ago, and she extended a kind invitation to come down to their studio in Bow, right next to Concord, for a half hour interview on their daily talk program. Wow, she had really done her homework! We had a great time together, and I’m so happy with the way it all turned out.

You can find a link to the interview in the Recent Publicity section in the sidebar to the right, but to save you even that inconvenience, here’s one right now:

1 comment:

  1. I am the one-room schoolhouse photo lady!!! Please contact me as I would love to have you speak at our Country School Association of America Conference in New London, NH in June, 2017 at Colby-Sawyer College. I actually told Ela about your wonderful book during my own interview with her. I'm so glad she found you!
    I look forward to your new book!!!
