Sunday, July 24, 2016

New Hampshire

The theme of this month’s posting is simply summer time. Here in our little town of 4,000 people we are so lucky to have a summer stock theater called the New London Barn Playhouse. Fourteen young theater students from colleges all around the country intern for each summer season.  Six different plays are performed along with guest artists. Most of them live in New York city and seem very happy to spend a few weeks in fresh New Hampshire air.

After each performance in the old barn, the actors line up on the porch to be greeted by the audience as they leave.The first introductory performance is called the Straw Hat Revue. I drew outside in the dark, and finished the color at home.

A fence next to the lake makes a fine spot to drape a towel. I loved how different the colors and patterns were.

I finally got to visit the famed Fuller rose gardens in North Hampton, NH. The delphiniums and the Atlantic Ocean were the same color on this day. It was a curious sensation to be in a walled garden, yet have a wide view of the sea.

Locally grown strawberries and rhubarb make a fine pie. The fruit comes from Spring Ledge Farm.

  Rollin’ In The Dough, a bakery from the town of Franklin, tempts us all with breads in wire baskets and all manner of sweets. They were our next door neighbors at the Market On the Green.

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